AI is here. I’m doing Office Hours.
Here’s why:
- I think we need a safe, private place to talk about what AI means for design, and more broadly, the future of work.
- AI looms as a double-layered threat. We are right to wonder, will AI take my job? But also, we worry that talking openly about our concerns and questions will haste the day — that we’ll look like stubborn luddites, unreliable leaders and teammates, or weak links in the chain.
- AI, and especially the conversation about it, is moving so quickly that simply keeping up with it takes more energy than we can even imagine putting toward starting to explore it.
- I’m hearing how stressful it feels to be expected to discover, learn, and use every new tool that becomes available and demonstrate ROI on that effort immediately.
- I think we’re all scrambling and worrying and wondering how long we can keep this up.
And yet I remain optimistic.
I’ve kept up with and explored AI exhaustively and I’ve felt every feeling and secretly thought every thought I’ve listed above. And as I believe about everything, it’s better to bring it into the light. I want to do that with you, and I think I might even be able to help. I think there’s a future for thinkers, designers, and firms of all kinds.
There’s opportunity in discovery.
How it Will Work
Here’s the thing. Lots of people do this. In fact, several people whom I admire greatly have set up office hours just like this. But I never make use of them. Here are the reasons why — perhaps you can relate:
- Intimidation (even though they’ve offered, will they think I’m lame for taking them up on it?)
- Impostor Syndrome (they’ll realize I know nothing)
- Introversion (wait I have to talk to someone? Like right at their actual face?)
So, a few notes:
- Ask me anything. I guarantee I have had the same question or worry at some point.
- Hey, wait, who says I know everything? I have something to learn from you, too.
- Our meeting will be private. Our secret. 100% confidential. We don’t have to go on video if you don’t want to. Nothing will be recorded.
Slots on Wednesdays from 9am-10am and 1-2pm EST and Fridays 9am-10am EST.
You can book a time right now, starting as early as tomorrow.
👇 I just took this picture — this is how I look and what it will be like to chat. Friendly is what I’m going for :)
Written by Christopher Butler on